by Lee Williams
SAF Investigative Journalism Project
(The Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project wouldn’t be possible without you. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support pro-gun stories like this.)
Dear Gabby, Shannon and Mike,
The instant the first Russian T-80 crossed the Ukrainian border, the whole world could see the uselessness of everything you’ve ever said and everything you’ve ever done. You’ve been overtaken by events – mooted and muted in one fell swoop, so scram. Leave the field. It is time for you and your gun-ban groups to go.
There’s a madman with nukes on the loose who’s just 50 miles off Alaska’s port bow. No one knows how far he’s willing to go, so you’re out. The adults are taking charge. Your services are no longer required. Please take the Demanding Moms and their creepy husbands with you, open a box of wine and have yourselves a good cry. Ukraine learned nearly too late that the right to keep and bear arms saves lives, while the civilian disarmament pipedream you’ve been peddling for decades costs lives.
If you are in doubt, ask the brave Ukrainian single mom with the yellow ribbon tied around her sleeve if she’s comfortable battling Russian Spetsnaz with a standard-capacity magazine in her Avtomat Kalashnikova, or if she’d prefer a 10-round mag you’ve long advocated for and a rifle that’s California-compliant. You could also ask the young Russian conscript bouncing around in the back of a BMP – who’s belly is churning from the rations he’s eating, which expired in 2015 – if he’d prefer shooting at disarmed civilians or ones who can shoot back.
Ukraine was a bastion of gun control – something you would have found refreshing – but when Russian fighters started strafing runs, they quickly came to their senses, repealed their gun laws and issued AKs by the thousands to anyone who asked. What the Ukrainians lack in training and marksmanship they’re making up for with sheer tenacity and uncommon valor.
The whole world saw how quickly the holy grails of your gun-ban industry – licensing and registration, waiting periods, background checks, magazine and “assault weapon” bans – were cast aside once Vlad the Invader came calling. The Ukrainians issued assault weapons to their citizens – real ones – without delays, licenses, checks or 4473s. Thank God they weren’t too late.
America will never be put in that position, no thanks to you. We train constantly with the rifles you want confiscated, and we’re not going to tolerate any more of your infringements: Our guns, our gear and our ammunition are now off limits to your foolishness. You need to find something else to do – another way to occupy your spare time. Our armed civilian populace is a strategic national asset, something more than a few would-be invaders considered before declaring war. You and your ilk have been trying for years to undermine this asset. I’m pretty sure there’s a word for that, and it carries a stiff penalty, especially in time of war.
The Ukrainian resistance is showing the world – at tremendous cost – how free men and women can resist tyrannical invaders if they’re given the right tools. Thankfully, Americans have the right tools, and we will strongly resist any attempts to reduce their effectiveness or take them away.
The Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project wouldn’t be possible without you. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support pro-gun stories like this.