Hamas Rolls Out Its New ‘Tank’ to Fight Israel. Can You Spot the Problem? Allahu Akbar To Whoever Goes To Battle In That Tank! During a memorial service commemorating seven Hamas militants who had been killed in the collapse of a tunnel they were digging, Hamas officials paraded a “locally-made tank” specifically designed to fight Israel. […]
DID HILLARY CHEAT AGAIN? Iowa Caucus Data Starting To Look “A Little Funny”
Hillary Clinton Has The Most Statistically Improbable Coin-Toss Luck Ever After a big sigh of relief, Clinton announced, “I am so thrilled to be coming to New Hampshire after winning Iowa! I have won and I have lost there, it is a lot better to win.” But a growing number who feel that Clinton’s corruption streak […]
TOWN EXPLODES! Muslims Sexually Harass German School Girls, Mayor Dismisses Grandfather: “Don’t Provoke Them!”
“Like It Was The Girls Fault?” “Why Do Muslims Get Away With Anything . . . Everything. If It Were Anyone Else They’d Get Rounded Up And Burned At The Stake!” At the town meeting a worried grandfather voiced his concerns about the increasing incidents of sexual harassment of young girls on their way to school […]
How ObamaCare Is Buckling Under The Weight Of Reality “The number of new enrollees into the healthcare system is cratering” Obamacare has survived countless attempts at repeal in Congress and two trips to the Supreme Court. President Obama has said his signature health care law is here to stay, but that may not be true […]
VIDEO: ISIS Suicide Attack Kills 60 At Historic Holy Site
In the Syrian capital Damascus, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, at least 60 people have been killed by a bomb in an action by three suicide bombers. There were over 120 people injured. The bombs went off in a heavily guarded pro-government district, near the major Shiite shrine Sayyida Zeinab. Muslims believe […]
The Three Surprising Things That May Determine Outcome Of Iowa Caucuses
The 2016 Presidential Election season officially gets underway on Monday evening, Feb. 1, as voters from Iowa’s 99 counties will meet in the first in the nation caucuses to determine who will represent the state at both party’s national conventions. Both races are tight and a few unexpected turn of events may very well have a […]